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Second part of the residency in Senegal for the artist Maya-Ines Touam

As part of its cultural exchange program between France and Africa, the Compagnie Fruitiere Fund supports a production residency within the company Grands Domaines du Sénégal, a subsidiary of Compagnie Fruitière, located in Saint-Louis. This system mainly aims to strengthen artistic dialogue between France and Senegal, while highlighting emerging talents.Photo credit : Noreyni Seck

Call for applications for a culinary residency in Cameroon

The cross-culinary residency program between Marseille and Cameroon, initiated by the Compagnie Fruitière Foundation (FDDCF), is inspired by the artist residencies that have been set up in recent years between Marseille and various African countries. This initiative aims to create a unique cultural and culinary exchange by allowing a chef from Marseille to stay in … Continued

Launch of a cross-culinary residency program between Marseille and Cameroon.

In collaboration with star chef Sébastien Richard, the Compagnie Fruitière Fundation supports a cross-culinary exchange between Marseille and Yaoundé in Cameroon. The program aims to encourage the transmission of knowledge and skills, the exchange of culinary traditions and cultural discovery through gastronomy. A chef from Yaoundé, Cameroon, will stay for three weeks in the Phocaean … Continued

Launch of artist Maya Inès Touam’s residency in Senegal

The Compagnie Fruitière Foundation is supporting a new artist residency project. In 2024, photographer Maya Inès Touam will travel twice from Paris to Saint Louis where Compagnie Fruitière operates Grands Domaines du Sénégal. This production residency is managed by the Marseille-based association Versant Sud.

Jean-Baptiste Janisset, winner of the 2023 artist residency program

The Compagnie Fruitière Foundation believes artists should have the opportunity to travel and exchange knowledge with communities.For this 5th program, we will welcome Jean-Baptiste Janisset to the Haut-Penja plantation in Cameroon for a 2-month residency in spring 2023. His production will be exhibited in the next edition of Art-o-rama.

Call for proposals | Artist-in-residence program 2023

The Compagnie Fruitière Foundation continues its commitment to artistic and cultural exchanges between Marseille and West Africa by launching a call for proposals for a production residency.The residency is intended for a visual artist based in Marseille and will take place in Cameroon in the Haut Penja in spring 2023.

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